Patreon for communities

Build a supportive, troll-free community of people all united by a shared passion… all while earning a sustainable income.

Why should community leaders use membership?

Monetize a thriving online community
Don't rely on ads to keep you afloat; your members can support you.
Eliminate trolls & noise
Focus your time and energy on the members that add value to your community. Cut out the rest.
Grow your community
Reinvest funds to grow your community in a sustainable way.

Popular features for communities

Exclusive forums
Gate access to specific sections of your forum by tier via the Discourse Integration.
Live chat roles & recognition
Assign roles & give recognition to Discord members based on tier via the Discord Chat Integration.
Gated content libraries
Gate access to exclusive content or content libraries on your website via the Wordpress Integration.

Notable communities on Patreon

The Fantasy Footballers
Blizzard Watch
As Told By Kenya
iJaadee's Cult of Astrology
Fraser Cain
Finn To The Rescue
Black Girl Nerds
John Saddington
Bitcoin Pub Forum

"It allows us to differentiate between people who are there to get some info and then peace out and people who are really committed to the vision that we had. What we wanted most of all was a feedback mechanism, and Patreon allowed us to do that."

Ready to build your membership business?