Patreon for writers and journalists

Give your community an exclusive space to connect with you and each other, where you can share exclusive work and bonus content… all while earning a sustainable income.

Why should writers & journalists use membership?

Escape the content treadmill
Don't turn to clickbait to hit pageview targets. Focus on quality over quantity for your biggest readers.
Eliminate trolls & noise
Focus your time and energy writing for the people that value your content most.
Dependable revenue
Have an additional revenue stream that gives you freedom to be selective with brands and advertisers.

Popular features for writers & journalists

Gate content on your site
Offer exclusive access to certain articles or parts of your site.
Private community access
Create additional value for your fans by creating an exclusive community for them to interact with you and each other.
Members-only email lists
Create private email lists for paying tiers. Use Patreon's native posting or use your own custom templates in MailChimp.

Notable writers & journalists on Patreon

N. K. Jemisin
Channel 5
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
Laurie Penny
Brandon Stanton
Gaslit Nation
Wait But Why
Stant Litore
Sci-fi author

"Patreon means more freedom and it means more time to do what you truly love – and, in fact, what your fans most want you to spend time doing!"

Ready to build your membership business?